Giving a Forever Home
We like nothing more than to see our friends go to their 'Forever Homes'. We are delighted when anyone takes the plunge and offers a home and when you do we have a simple 4 step process to make sure both you and your new pet can look forward to a lifetime of companionship
Our current residents looking for a "Forever Home" can be found on our Facebook page. If you would like to learn a little about whats involved in rehoming an animal - check out our factsheets!
If your circumstances are such that you cannot offer a home right now you can still help by donating. Every bit helps us to fund the ongoing care of our residents. Thank You.
If you would like to give a loving home to one of our dogs or cats, the first step is to come and visit us at the sanctuary or call us for a chat, so we can find out a little bit about you and the kind of dog or cat you are considering. Our staff and volunteers have lots of experience in rehoming and they`ll quickly be able to pinpoint which of the dogs or cats currently in our care may suit you.
Before any adoption is finalised, one of our staff or volunteers will meet you at your home to have a chat with you about your daily routine and your plans for your new pet. They will also need to meet the other people (and pets!) that live with you.
Our requirements are a safe secure garden and your pet must sleep in the family home. We do not consent to outdoor pens or any type of shock collars. If you are adopting a puppy someone must be at home a large portion of the day. An adult dog should not be left on its own for any longer than 3/4 hours.
You will be asked to sign an adoption agreement before taking your new pet home from the sanctuary. This records your contact details and outlines your responsibilities to your new dog or cat.
Before your new friend leaves our sanctuary, he or she will have had all of their veterinary needs attended to. He or she will have been spayed/neutered, wormed and vaccinated and in the case of a dog he or she will also have been microchipped. We do require a contribution to recoup some of these costs. Currently the cost is €300 for a dog and €120 for a cat
We will phone you after you have adopted from us, to make sure your new pet is settling in well and to help you with extra advice if you need it.
One or our staff or volunteers may also call to see you at home. However, we urge all adopters to stay in touch with us. We love getting updates and we are here to support you and to help you with anything you are unsure of. Don't hesitate to pick up the phone, post on Facebook or send us an email - we want to hear from you and your pet!
Finally, we know that sometimes life throws up the unexpected! If for any reason you feel you are no longer able to care for your pet then get in touch with us - we will ensure that proper arrangements are made and your pet continues to enjoy a full and happy life!
Ready?? - Go to our Facebook pages to see all of our latest residents and read their stories!
Finally, we realise that not everyone is in a position to offer a forever home. Perhaps it is the wrong time or you cannot provide a secure space. Whatever the reason.. stay in touch, follow us on Facebook, donate, volunteer, help in any small way.