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Cat's Eye


So you have decided to adopt a cat or kitten? Great! Cats make great companions and on average, they live from twelve to fifteen years, although some cats have been known to live into their twenties. The following guidelines will give your cat the best chance of a happy, healthy and long life.

A warm, quiet, cosy bed indoors.


Two meals a day for adults, four for kittens - fresh, canned, dry or a mixture. Dry is good for their teeth.


The first course starts at nine weeks of age, followed by yearly boosters. It is very important to vaccinate your cat to prevent cat flu, enteritis and feline leukaemia. All of these can make your cat very ill and can kill.

This is done at approximately six months of age and is necessary to prevent unwanted kittens. We also recommend neutering male cats as this will tend to stop them wandering, spraying their territory and fighting with other males.

Regular worming.
Most Cats suffer from roundworms and tapeworms, both of which can damage their health. Kittens should be wormed from two to four weeks of age and adults every three months. Check with your vet for the most suitable treatment.

Most cats will get fleas at some stage. There are many different flea programmes available so it is best to consult your vet. If you have a kitten, be sure to use a treatment specifically formulated for kittens. You may need to treat the cat's bedding and any other places where it lies. We do not recommend flea collars as they are not always effective and cats can sometimes get trapped by them.

Health checks.
Your vet will give your cat a thorough examination at his annual booster. All cats benefit from regular grooming and this is a good time for you to check him for fleas and to look at his eyes, ears, mouth and teeth. If you are in any doubt or your cat appears unwell, consult your vet.

Cat carriers.
For safety reasons, always transport your cat in a proper pet carrier. Accustom your cat to the cat carrier before you take your cat out. Never drive with an unrestrained cat - this can be a real hazard.

Pet Insurance.
If your cat is seriously ill or injured, the costs can be high, so do consider insuring him. Ask your vet for advice.

Scratching posts.
They are a good idea and help prevent your cat scratching the furniture.

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